What's so great about hope?
This question was asked by one of the characters in the movie I was watching yesterday. The movie was about plane crash survivors trapped in Andes for over 61 days. Someone suggested that they should eat the dead bodies of those who did not survive the crash so they can survive a little longer and hope for a rescue plane to come. What's so great about hope, someone asked. They were practically doomed.
Yes, what is so great about hope when you are in the middle of the Andes with a temperature almost below zero?
What is so great about hope when you see everyone around you dying one by one?
What's so great about hope when your only hope to live is to feed off their dead bodies and get a nonexistent radio signal for help?
In that situation it is far more easier to allow yourself to die than to will yourself to live. It brings out the best--or the worst -- in a person. It is in those circumstances that one comes very close to the core of what it means to be human.
So what's so great about hope? It keeps you alive.
Alive (1993) is based from a true story.
I agree completely! It is the hope that I will soon see the ones I truly love that is keeping me alive here in the US.
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